The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
Some people believe that drinking a little alcohol socially or consuming wine for its health benefits should not go against the Buddhist five precepts. Is this accurate?
Should donate my money to make merit through charity or toward the support of the monastic community since there are so many underprivileged groups?
Today’s society seems to be filled with so many underprivileged groups. I wonder if I should donate my money to make merit through charity or toward the support of the monastic community.
Peace Revolution for Youth
Meditation Testimonials from the participants of Peace Revolution for Youth.
The Test Tube Baby
Her husband and she were married for 9 years but we still did not have a child. They went to see a doctor and had artificial fertilization twice but they failed. The doctor suggested them to utilize the test tube baby process. Which process of a soul’s birth occurred during the procedure of the test tube birth? Will the doctor and her accrue any sins (negative kamma) from destroying the fertilized ova and implanting only the perfect ovum?
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#2
After parents learn that good children must not be troublesome, ignorant, or careless towards others, the question now is
Drinking Alcohol, Do We Need It?
I have heard many reasons for drinking: family problems, work problems, addiction, seductive advertising, society, health, curiosity, peer pressure, availability, and depression.
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. How to change this erroneous core value?
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. I would like to ask Luang Phor how to change this erroneous core value?
Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (6-1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty:- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
I would like to ask how we can keep the 5 precepts correctly. What is the wholesome strategy and method for keeping the 5 precepts solidly at all times?
I would like to ask how we can keep the 5 precepts correctly. I would also like to have your advice regarding the wholesome strategy and method for keeping the 5 precepts solidly at all times.